About Ellen Burn

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Finding Clarity One Life at a Time

I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor in Arizona and have worked as a therapist for over a decade. 

Although I have experience working with a wide range of people and issues, I absolutely LOVE helping people embrace and process their emotions in healthy ways.  I believe our emotions give us important information.  Sometimes it’s hard to know how to know what that information is, and therapy is a great place to sort it out.  I consider therapy to be a sacred space and feel honored when clients express their hearts to me.  

I find it rewarding to witness the relief individuals feel after trauma is processed. I also enjoy helping both individuals and couples navigate relationship challenges. 

Therapy is really hard and demands that you explore your pain. Sometimes examining the truth of a situation leads to choices you would prefer to not have. I understand this dilemma on multiple levels and am here to support you. 

My Education & Experience

I have a Master's Degree in Counseling and have been independently licensed to practice counseling in Arizona since 2010.

I have provided therapy at community mental health agencies and group practices, working with a wide range of people and issues. 

I am certified in two highly researched forms of therapy--EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy) and EFT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy). This means I've been through two rigorous evaluation processes that have truly honed my skills. 


My specialty now is helping individuals and couples navigate the effects of confusing relationships. 

My trauma and relationship training complement each other well. My individual clients benefit from my expertise on relationship dynamics, and my couple clients benefit from my expertise on trauma. 

I have helped couples with a variety of concerns including communication difficulties, sexual desire discrepancies, and the effects of infidelity.  

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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